Saturday, July 31, 2010
As I write this, Rusty is recovering from his second year birthday party that we gave him this morning. Twelve of his dog park friend’s parents celebrated his birthday with him; he was very appreciative to see them, as he misses them as much as their dogs. Rusty was the perfect host and they all marveled over how well he is doing. He even gave them a demonstration of his surfin’ ability, although with some hesitation as he has never surfed in front of a live audience before. Rusty’s actual birthday was yesterday and we took him to In-n- Out Burger for his favorite fast food, two meat patties. We decorated the house with doggy balloons, fire hydrant and a replica of his favorite Sun City dog park.
His six month Ampuversary was last Sunday the 25th; we are still amazed at how well he has coped with everything that has been thrown at him during that time period. All of his guests commented that his personality has not been affected with all of the things he has been through; he greeted everyone with love and kisses! We can’t believe that six months have elapsed since Rusty began his fight against cancer. We are hoping for another six months, but will take each day that he is with us as a blessing. He will see Dr. Macy on the 11th at which time we will find out what his new Chemo treatment program will be.
Not much has changed since my July 5th update; Rusty is still on the anti-diarrhea medication along with his Fibercon & a probiotic tablet He has not had an episode for the past month and we are hoping he can come off the medication with the new Chemo regimen. He has gained another pound and his appetite continues to be robust; his swimming is developing good muscle tone, especially on the remaining leg. We have started limiting Rusty to a shorter time in the pool as we noticed that he shows fatigue in his remaining leg if he is in the pool more than 30 minutes; he would swim until he drops if we let him. He still prefers to avoid the heat and his endurance still suffers from the combination of the Chemo and hot weather. We take our morning walks before 6AM, when it is cool and the ducks & rabbits are out which he enjoys watching. After the walk we take a two mile ride through the green belt area in our golf cart which does 26 MPH; he enjoys the air blowing in his face while cooling him down.
Happy happy birthday surfer Rusty! What a wonderful party you had. Love all the birthday hats. Too sweet!
Sending lots of wishes for many more celebrations!
happy birthday rusty!!! you throw a great party. congrats on your six month ampuversery as well, you are a real trooper!!! hope all goes well with your dr. visit!
Rusty’s photo caught my eye. I have 3 toy poodles- one a tripawd. I loved reading your blog. I just wanted to comment on how much I LOVE your bed stairs you made for Rusty. I don’t let my poodles jump up/off beds just because poodles are prone to knee injuries. I have stairs for them but nothing as nice as yours. I think you have a nice business idea there!